For an exhaustive list of my peer-reviewed publications, see my Google Scholar page. The latest updates to my current research activities (publications, patents, presentations, etc.) are also available in my CV.
Every year or so, I try to make my publications easier to find, read, and use. If you are looking for articles on a particular topic, just follow one of these topic links:
Human-Robot Interaction (HRI):
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI):
J12. Fox Tree, J. E., Herring, S. C., Nguyen, A., Whittaker, W., Martin, R., & Takayama, L. (2024). Conversational fluency and attitudes toward robot pilots in telepresence robot-mediated interactions, Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 33 (3), 473-498.
J11. Fox Tree, J. E., Whittaker, S., Herring, S. C., Chowdhury, Y., Nguyen, A., & Takayama, L. (2021). Psychological distance in mobile telepresence. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 151. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2021.102629
J10. Hughes, B. P., Weatherwax, K., Moxley-Fuentes, M., Kaur, G., Davidenko, N., & Takayama, L. (2020). The influence of gaming frequency and viewing perspective on a remote robot operation task. Journal of Vision, 20 (11). doi:10.1167/jov.20.11.1706
J9. Fitter, N. T., Raghunath, N., Cha, E., Sanchez, C. A., Takayama, L., & Matarić, M. (2020). Are we there yet? Comparing remote learning technologies in the university classroom. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5 (2), 2706-2713.
J8. Takayama, L. (2017). The motivations of ubiquitous computing: Revisiting the ideas behind and beyond the prototypes. Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 21, 1-13.
J7. Chen, T., Ciocarlie, M., Cousins, S., Grice, P.M., Hawkins, K., Hsiao, K., Kemp, C., King, C.-H., Lazewatsky, D., Leeper, A.E., Nguyen, H., Paepcke, A., Pantofaru, C., Smart, W., & Takayama, L. (2013). Robots for humanity: A case study in assistive mobile manipulation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 20 (1), 30-39.
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J6. Jabon, M.E., Bailenson, J.N., Pontikakis, E., Takayama, L., & Nass, C. (2011). Facial expression analysis for predicting unsafe driving behavior. IEEE Pervasive Computing 10(4), 84-95.
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J5. Koenig, N., Takayama, L. & Mataric, M. (2010). Communication and knowledge sharing in human-robot interaction. Neural Networks, 23(8-9), 1104-1112.
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J4. Ochi, P., Rao, S., Takayama, L., & Nass, C. (2010). Predictors of user perceptions of web recommender systems: How the basis for generating experience and search product recommendations affects user responses. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68(8), 472-482.
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J3. Ju, W. & Takayama, L. (2009). Approachability: How people interpret automatic door movement as gesture. International Journal of Design, 3(2).
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J2. Takayama, L., & Nass, C. (2008). Assessing the effectiveness of interactive media in improving drowsy driver safety. Human Factors, 50(5), 772-781.
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J1. Takayama, L., & Nass, C. (2008). Driver safety and information from afar: An experimental driver simulator study of wireless vs. in-car information services. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 66(3), 173-184.
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BC4. Takayama, L. (2015). Telepresence and apparent agency in human-robot interaction. In Sundar, S. (Ed.), Handbook on the Psychology of Communication Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell.
BC3. Takayama, L. (2012). Perspectives on agency: Interacting with and through personal robots. In Zacarias, M. & Oliveira, J. V. (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction: The Agency Perspective. Springer.
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BC2. Takayama, L. (2011). Toward making robots invisible-in-use: An exploration into invisible-in-use tools and agents. In Dautenhahn, K. (Ed.), New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction. Amsterdam, NL: John Benjamins, 111-132.
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BC1. Nass, C., Takayama, L., & Brave, S. (2006). Social consistency: From technical homogeneity to human epitome. In Zhang, P. & Galletta, D. (Eds.), Human-computer Interaction in Management Information Systems: Foundations. Armonk, NY, USA: M. E. Sharpe, 373-391.
C63. Crosby, A., Takayama, L., Martin, E. J., Matsumoto, G. I., Katija, K., and Caress, D. M. (2024). Beyond bunkspace: Telepresence for deep sea exploration. Proceedings of the IEEE Telepresence Conference. [ DOI ]
C62. Weatherwax, K., Dooley, D., Carstensdottir, E., & Takayama, L. (2024). The case of the curious robot: On the social viability of curious behavior in non-human agents. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA). [ DOI ]
C61. Lakshminarayanan, S., Duecker, D. A., Sarabakha, A., Ganguly, A., Takayama, L., & Haddadin S. (2024). Estimation of external force acting on underwater robots. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE).
C60. Mahadevan, K., Chien, J., Brown, N., Xu, Z., Parada, C., Xia, F., Zeng, A., Takayama, L., & Sadigh, D. (2024). Generative expressive robot behaviors using large language models. Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction, HRI 2024, 482-491. [Best paper – technical track]
C59. Liang, J., Xia, F., Yu, W., Zeng, A., Attarian, M., Villalonga, M. B., Bennice, M., Bewley, A., Dostmohamed, A., Fu, C., Gileadi, N., Giustina, M., Gopalakrishnan, K., Hasenclever , L.., Humplik, J., Hsu, J., Joshi, N. J., Jyenis, B., Kew, J. C., Kirmani, S., Lee., T., E., Lee, K., Michaely, A. H., Moore, J., Oslund, K., Rao, D., Ren, A. Z., Tabanpour, B., Vuong, Q., Wahid, A., Xiao, T., Xu, Y., Zhuang, V., Xu, P., Frey, E., Caluwaerts, K., Zhang, T., Ichter, B., Tompson, J., Takayama, L., Vanhoucke, V., Shafran, I., Matarić, M., Sadish, D., Heess, N., Rao, K., Stewart, N., Tan, J., & Parada, C. (2024). Learning to Learn Faster from Human Feedback with Language Model Predictive Control. Proceedings of Robotics Science and Systems (RSS).
C58. Francis, A. G., Parada, C., Kalashnikov, D., Lee, E., Fei, X., Varley, J., Tan, J., Choromanski, K. M., Takayama, L., Persson, M., Xu, P., Tu, S., Singh, S., Zhang, T., Sindhwan, V., & Xiao, X. (2022). Learning model predictive controllers with real-time attention for real-world navigation. Proceedings of CORL 2022.
C57. Moortgat-Pick, A., So, P., Sack, M., Cunningham, E., Hughes, B., Adaamczyk, A., Sarabakha, A., Takayama, L., & Haddadin, S. (2022). A-RIFT: Visual Substitution of Force Feedback for a Zero-Cost Interface in Telemanipulation, Proceedings of IROS 2022.
C56. Elor, A., Kurniawan, S., & Takayama, L. (2022). Human Experiences in teaching robots: Understand agent expressivity and learning effects through a virtual robot arm. Proceedings of SmartComp.
C55. Nanavati, A., Walker, N., Taber, L., Mavrogiannis, C., Takayama, L., Cakmak, M., & Srinivasa, S. (2022). Not All Who Wander Are Lost: A Localization-Free System for In-The-Wild Mobile Robot Deployments. Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction, HRI 2022. [25% acceptance rate]
C54. Elor, A., Thang, T., Hughes, B. P., Crosby, A., Phung, A., Gonzalez, E., Katija, K., Haddock, S. H. D., Martin, E. J., and Takayama, L. (2021). Catching jellies in immersive virtual reality: A comparative teleoperation study of ROVs in underwater capture tasks. ACM VRST 2021. [26% acceptance rate – winner of the best paper award]
C53. Nanavati, A., Mavrogiannis, C., Weatherwax, K., Takayama, L., Cakmak, M., & Srinivasa, S.S. (2021). Modeling Human Helpfulness with Individual and Contextual Factors for Robot Planning. Proceedings of Robotics Science and Systems (RSS), Virtual.
C52. Fitter, N., T., Strait, M., Bisbee, E., Matarić, M., & Takayama, L. (2021). You’re Wigging Me Out!: Is Personalization of Telepresence Robots Strictly Positive? Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction, HRI 2021, Boulder, CO, 168-176. [23% acceptance rate]
C51. Fitter, N. T., Rush, L., Cha, E., Groechel, T., Matarić, M., & Takayama, L. (2020). Closeness is key over long distances: Effects of interpersonal closeness on telepresence experience. Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction, HRI 2020, Cambridge, UK, 499-507. [24% acceptance rate]
C50. Walker, N., Weatherwax, K., Allchin, J., Takayama, L., & Cakmak, M. (2020). Human perceptions of a curious robot that performs off-task actions. Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction, HRI 2020, Cambridge, UK, 529-538. [24% acceptance rate]
C49. Fitter, N., Chowdhury, Y., Cha, E., Takayama, L., & Matarić, M. (2018). Evaluating the Effects of Personalization on Telepresence Robots for Education. Extended Abstracts of Human-Robot Interaction, HRI 2018, Chicago, IL, 109-110.
C48. Choi, M., Kornfield, R., Mutlu, B., & Takayama, L. (2017). Movement Matters: Effects of motion and mimicry on perception of similarity and closeness in robot-mediated communication. Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2017, Denver, CO, 325-335. [25% acceptance rate]
C47. Chung, M. J.-Y., Huang, J., Takayama, L., Lau, T. & Cakmak, M. (2016). Iterative design of a system for programming socially interactive service robots. Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Robotics: ICSR 2016.
C46. Srinivasan, V. & Takayama, L. (2016). Help me please: Robot politeness strategies for soliciting help from humans. Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2016, 4945-4955. [23% acceptance rate]
C45. Johnson, S., Rae, I. Mutlu, B. & Takayama, L. (2015). Can you see me now? How field of view affects collaboration in robotic telepresence. Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2397-2406. [25% acceptance rate]
C44. Fischer, K., Soto, B., Pantofaru, C., & Takayama, L. (2014). Initiating interactions in order to get help: Effects of social framing on people’s responses to robots’ requests for assistance. Proceedings of Robot and Human Interactive Communication: RO-MAN 2014, Edinburgh, UK, 999-1005.
C43. Alexandrova, S., Cakmak, M., Hsiao, K., & Takayama, L. (2014). Robot programming by demonstration with interactive action visualizations. Proceedings of Robotics Science and Systems: RSS 2014, Berkeley, California.
C42. Rae, I., Mutlu, B., & Takayama, L. (2014). Bodies in Motion: Mobility, presence, and task awareness in telepresence. Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2014, Toronto, Canada, 2153-2162. [23% acceptance rate]
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C41. Cakmak, M. & Takayama, L. (2014). Teaching people how to teach robots: The effect of instructional materials and dialog design. Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction: HRI 2014, Bielefeld, Germany, 431-438. [24% acceptance rate]
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C40. Rae, I., Takayama, L. & Mutlu, B. (2013). In-body experiences: Embodiment, control, and trust in robot-mediated communication. Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2013, Paris, France, 1921-1930. [20% acceptance rate]
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C39. Takayama, L. & Harris, H. (2013). Presentation of (telepresent) self: On the double edged effects of mirrors. Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction: HRI 2013, Tokyo, Japan, 381-388. [25% acceptance rate]
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C38. Rae, I., Takayama, L. & Mutlu, B. (2013). The influence of height in robot-mediated communication. Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction: HRI 2013, Tokyo, Japan, 1-8. [25% acceptance rate]
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C37. Cakmak, M. & Takayama, L. (2013). Towards a comprehensive chore list for domestic robots. Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction: HRI 2013 (Late Breaking Report), Tokyo, Japan, 93-94.
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C36. Chen, T., Ciocarlie, M., Cousins, C., Grice, P., Hawkins, K., Hsiao, K., Kemp, C., King, C.-H., Lazewatsky, D., Leeper, A., Nguyen, H., Paepcke, A., Pantofaru, C., Smart, W., & Takayama, L. (2013). Robots for humanity: User-centered design for assistive mobile manipulation. Proceedings of Intelligent Robots and Systems: IROS 2012, Algarve, Portugal, 5434-5435.
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C35. Takayama, L., Pantofaru, C., Robson, D., Soto, B., & Barry, M. (2012). Making technology homey: Finding sources of satisfaction and meaning in home automation. Proceedings of Ubiquitous Computing: Ubicomp 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, 511-520. [19% acceptance rate]
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C34. Rae, I., Takayama, L., & Mutlu, B. (2012). One of the gang: Supporting in-group behavior for embodied mediated communication. Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2012, Austin, TX, 3091-3100. [23% acceptance rate]
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C33. Pantofaru, C., Takayama, L., Foote, T., & Soto, B. (2012). Exploring the role of robots in home organization. Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction: HRI 2012, Boston, MA, 327-334. [25% acceptance rate]
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C32. Leeper, A., Hsiao, K., Ciocarlie, M., Takayama, L., & Gossow, D. (2012). Strategies for human-in-the-loop robotic grasping. Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction: HRI 2012, Boston, MA, 1-8. [25% acceptance rate]
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C31. Takayama, L. & Go, J. (2012). Mixing metaphors in mobile remote presence. Proceedings of Computer Supported Cooperative Work: CSCW 2012, Seattle, WA, 495-504.
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C30. Ju, W. & Takayama, L. (2011). Should robots or people do these jobs? A survey of robotics experts and non-experts about which jobs robots should do. Proceedings of Intelligent Robotic Systems: IROS 2011, San Francisco, CA, 1158-1166. [32% acceptance rate]
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C29. Paepcke, A., Soto, B., Takayama, L., Koenig, F., & Gassend, B. (2011). Yelling in the hall: Using sidetone to address a problem with mobile remote presence systems. Proceedings of the Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology: UIST 2011, Santa Barbara, CA, 107-116. [25% acceptance rate]
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C28. Takayama, L., Marder-Eppstein, E., Harris, H., & Beer, J. M. (2011). Assisted driving of a mobile remote presence system: System design and controlled user evaluation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation: ICRA 2011, Shanghai, CN, 1883-1889.
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C27. Lee, M. K. & Takayama, L. (2011). “Now, I have a body”: Uses and social norms of mobile remote presence in the workplace. Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2011, Vancouver, CA, 33-42. [26% acceptance rate; nominated for best paper = top 5%]
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C26. Beer, J. M. & Takayama, L. (2011). Mobile remote presence systems for older adults: Acceptance, benefits, and concerns. Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction: HRI 2011, Lausanne, CH, 19-26. [21% acceptance rate; nominated for best paper = top 6%]
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C25. Takayama, L., Dooley, D., & Ju, W. (2011). Expressing thought: Improving robot readability with animation principles. Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction: HRI 2011, Lausanne, CH, 69-76. [21% acceptance rate]
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C24. Takayama, L. (2010). On making robots invisible-in-use. Proceedings of International Symposium on New Frontiers in Human Robot Interaction: AISB 2010, Leicester, UK.
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C23. Paepcke, S. & Takayama, L. (2010). Judging a bot by its cover: An experiment on expectation setting for personal robots. Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction: HRI 2010, Osaka, JP, 45-52. [21% acceptance rate]
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C22. Goodfellow, I., Koenig, N., Muja, M., Pantofaru, C., & Takayama, L. (2010). Help me help you: Interfaces for personal robots. Late breaking results of Human-Robot Interaction: HRI 2010, Osaka, JP, 187-188.
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C21. Takayama, L. & Nass, C. (2010). Throwing voices: The psychological impact of the spatial height of projected voices. Proceedings of Computer Supported Cooperative Work: CSCW 2010, Savannah, GA, USA, 91-94. [20% acceptance rate; nominated for best note]
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C20. Takayama, L., Pantofaru, C. (2009). Influences on proxemic behaviors in human-robot interaction. Proceedings of Intelligent Robotic Systems: IROS 2009, St. Louis, MO, USA, 5495-5502.
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C19. Takayama, L., Groom, V., & Nass, C. (2009). I’m sorry, Dave: I’m afraid I won’t do that: Social aspects of human-agent conflict. Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2009, Boston, MA, USA, 2099-2108. [25% acceptance rate]
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C18. Takayama, L., Sison, J. G., Lathrop, B., Wolfe, N., Chiang, A., Nielsen, A., & Nass, C. (2009). Bringing design considerations to the mobile phone and driving debate. Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2009, Boston, MA, USA, 1643-1646. [25% acceptance rate]
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C17. Sohn, T., Takayama, L., Eckles, D., & Ballagas, R. (2009). Auditory priming for upcoming events. Extended Abstracts of CHI 2009, Boston, MA, USA, 4225-4230. [34% acceptance rate]
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C16. Sohn, T., Ballagas, R., & Takayama, L. (2009). At your service: Using butlers as a model to overcome the mobile attention deficit. Extended Abstracts of CHI 2009, 4219-4224. [34% acceptance rate]
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C15. Takayama, L. (2009). Making sense of agentic objects and teleoperation: In-the-moment and reflective perspectives. Late breaking results of Human-Robot Interaction: HRI 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, 239-240.
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C14. Groom, V., Takayama, L., & Nass, C. (2009). I am my robot: The impact of robot-building and robot form on operators. Proceedings of the Human-Robot Interaction: HRI 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, 31-36. [19% acceptance rate; nominated for best paper]
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C13. Ju, W., Takayama, L., & Nass, C. (2008). Approachability: How people interpret automatic door movement as gesture. Proceedings of Design and Emotion, Hong Kong, CN.
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C12. Takayama, L., Ju, W., & Nass, C. (2008). Beyond Dirty, Dangerous and Dull: What everyday people think robots should do. Proceedings of the Human-Robot Interaction: HRI 2008, Amsterdam, NL, 25-32. [36% acceptance rate]
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C11. Danninger, M., Takayama, L., Wang, Q., Schultz, C., Beringer, J., James, F., Hofmann, P., & Nass, C. (2007). Can you talk or only Touch-Talk? A VoIP-based phone feature for quick, quiet, and private communication. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces: ICMI 2007, JP, 154-161.
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C10. Takayama, L., & Kandogan, E. (2006). Trust as an underlying factor of system administrator interface choice. Extended Abstracts of Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2006, USA, 1391-1396. [23% acceptance rate]
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C9. Klemmer, S. R., Hartmann, B., & Takayama, L. (2006). How bodies matter: Five themes for interaction design. Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems: DIS 2006, USA, 140-148. [22% acceptance rate]
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C8. Danninger, M., Kluge, T., Robles, E., Takayama, L., & Wang, Q. (2006). The Connector service: Predicting availability in mobile contexts. Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms: MLMI 2006, USA, 129-141.
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C7. Nass, C., Jonsson, I., Harris, H., Reaves, B., Endo, J., Brave, S., & Takayama, L. (2005). Improving automotive safety by pairing driver emotion and car voice emotion. Extended Abstracts of Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2005, USA, 1973-1976. [25% acceptance rate]
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C6. Jonsson, I., Nass, C., Harris, H., & Takayama, L. (2005). Matching in-car voice with driver state: Impact on attitude and driving performance. Proceedings of the International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design, USA, 173-180.
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C5. Barrett, R., Kandogan, E., Maglio, P. P., Haber, E., Takayama, L., & Prabaker, M. (2004). Field studies of computer system administrators: Analysis of system management tools and practices. Proceedings of Computer Supported Cooperative Work: CSCW 2004, USA, 388-395. [30% acceptance rate]
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C4. Jiang, X., Hong, J. I., Takayama, L., & Landay, J. A. (2004). Ubiquitous computing for firefighters: Field studies and prototypes of large displays for incident command. Proceedings of Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2004, Austria, 679-686. [16% acceptance rate]
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C3. Jiang, X., Chen, N. Y., Hong, J. I., Wang, K., Takayama, L., & Landay, J. A. (2004). Siren: Context-aware computing for firefighting. Proceedings of Pervasive 2004, Austria, 87-105. [13% acceptance rate]
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C2. Takayama, L., Leung, L., Jiang, X., & Hong, J. I. (2004). You’re getting warmer! How proximity information affects search behavior in physical spaces. Extended Abstracts of Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2004, USA, 1028-1029. [16% acceptance rate]
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C1. Walker, M., Takayama, L., & Landay, J. A. (2002). Low- or high-fidelity, paper or computer? Choosing attributes when testing web prototypes. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society: HFES 2002, USA, 661-665.
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W6. Pantofaru, C. & Takayama, L. (2011). Need finding: A tool for directing robotics research and development. RSS 2011 workshop perspectives and contributions to robotics from the human sciences.
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W5. Takayama, L. (2009). Toward a science of robotics: Goals and standards for experimental research. RSS 2009 workshop on good experimental methodology in robotics.
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W4. Eckles, D., Ballagas, R., & Takayama, L. (2009). The design space of computer-mediated communication: Dimensional analysis and actively mediated communication. CHI 2009 workshop on social mediating technologies.
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W3. Ames, M., Go, J., Takayama, L., Raffle, H., Spasojevic, M., & Ballagas, R. (2008) Exploring family communication and technology use with an eye to design. CSCW 2009 workshop on family communication.
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W2. Takayama, L. & Card, S. K. (2008). Tracing the microstructure of sensemaking. CHI 2008 workshop on sensemaking.
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W1. Takayama, L. (2008). Human embodiment matters in human-robot interaction. HRI 2008 pioneers workshop.